welcome to newgrounds, where people are constantly baffled at there being genuine interest in their work
Oh hi, this is me. You might probably know me from my YouTube channel 900321ful, or not. Anyways I make stupid and cringy videos over there, go check it out or something
Also yes I upload music from NaisNias because I am NaisNias lol
Age 90, yes
not yet
Joined on 2/28/15
welcome to newgrounds, where people are constantly baffled at there being genuine interest in their work
True, guess I shan't complain then lol
@KCan its more of a blessing than a curse, ive met more cool genuine people on here in two months than the 5 years on twitter
Yeah I agree this place is cool. But then again I admit that I'm just here to dump my stuff for Geometry Dash, so not really utilising NG to the fullest.
Also yeah screw Twatter
i am not new but i just started following people sorry for that?
Nahhh you good bruh lol